Discover a powerful KiSSFLOW alternative

Create smarter workflows with Formstack's intuitive interface, advanced customization tools, and built-in integrations with this side-by-side comparison of Formstack VS. KISSFLOW.

Build simple, elegant workflows in minutes

Transform annoying tasks into beautifully designed workflows. From buttons to sliders, Formstack's editing and CSS tools let you customize every detail.

Break down common productivity barriers

Take back the time you spend on repetitive processes. Formstack lets you hit the ground running with more than 200 integrations that are pre-built for you.

Share your digital workflows with anyone

Open up your workflows to users outside of your account with our KissFLOW alternative. You can collect the information you need from others without paying $0.30 for every submission.

32,000+ organizations have automated 500+ interactions

Formstack for Salesforce

See how we compare

Browse through a full list of tools and features in the comparison table below to see why Formstack is the most powerful KiSSFLOW alternative.

Take control of your data with Formstack

Discover the power of turning data into dynamic action with low-code application building from Formstack.

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